Eco Food 360 – first congress on agriculture and organic food organized by Carrefour Poland

Eco Food 360 – first congress on agriculture and organic food organized by Carrefour Poland

  • 19.06.2019
  • Food transition

Nearly 400 guests took part in the Congress of Agriculture and Organic Food ECO FOOD 360, organized by Carrefour Poland on June 11 in Warsaw. The aim of the event was to disseminate knowledge about the advantages of organic food and the promotion of Polish organic farming. 

Carrefour gathered at the event a wide group of representatives of the environment associated with Polish and European agriculture and organic processing, including representatives of ministries, universities, institutions as well as farmers and suppliers. For the first time, foreign experts came to Poland on such a scale, becoming the inspiration for the entire Polish environment of agriculture and organic food. During the event, the President of Carrefour Poland received numerous congratulations for organizing the congress from the leaders of Polish public opinion.

Among the guests and speakers of the congress were: representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Investment and Development. The environment of Polish farmers and food producers, including suppliers of Carrefour Poland, was widely represented, as well as Polish and international scientific environment with representatives of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice, University of Agriculture Hugo Kołłątaj in Krakow and the Kozminski University. The Congress was also attended by industry and non-governmental organizations related to agriculture, food production, corporate social responsibility and ecology, as well as students, customers and employees of Carrefour Poland.

The ECO FOOD 360 Congress was opened by the President of Carrefour Poland, Christophe Rabatel, who presented global climate challenges and pointed to the necessity of the nutritional transformation of the entire food chain and the urgent need to democratize organic products among consumers. Christophe Rabatel also presented the activities of Carrefour aimed at the development of organic farming in Poland and the democratization of bio products, including the first on the domestic market Coalition for the Development of the BIO Food Market, of which Carrefour is the initiator and founding member.

Among the special guests who took the floor were: Florent Guhl, director of the French Agency for the Development and Promotion of Organic Agriculture (Agence Bio), Karol Krajewski, advisor in the Cabinet of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Flavio Paoletti from Italy, senior scientist from the Center for Food Research and Nutrition at the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics in Rome, Jostein Hertwig from Norway, managing the International BERAS Foundation, and Birthe Linddal Jeppesen, a Danish sociologist and futurologist focused on the future of food. The lectures were also delivered by outstanding Polish experts: prof. dr hab. Ewa Rembiałkowska, an excellent Polish expert on organic food from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), and prof. dr hab. Piotr Skubała, an expert on ecology and environmental protection from the University of Silesia in Katowice.

The appearance of Mieczysław Babalski, a pioneer of Polish organic farming, who has been running its farm since 1985, was also significant. During his speech, the farmer, thanking the President of Carrefour Poland, said that he had been waiting for the organization of such a Congress like ECO FOOD 360 for over 30 years and that it met his expectations in 100%.

During the Congress there were nearly 30 expert speeches regarding: agriculture and food processing, logistics, distribution and management of farms, the impact of conventional and organic farming on the environment, lifestyle and responsible business, health and activities related to advertising and promotion of organic food and farming. Their aim was to educate all communities about the advantages of organic food and its impact on the economy, natural environment, health and human life, as well as to encourage farmers, food producers and processors present in the hall to start or develop organic production.

In addition to the honorary patrons of the Congress, which were granted by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Poland and the Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 16 other institutions, organizations and the media patronized the event.