

Carrefour Code of Business Conduct

Our Ethical Principles

It is a signpost in the daily work of every Carrefour collaborator, regardless of position or workplace. It is a set of principles that guide us in making decisions, building relationships with our customers, business partners and colleagues. The Code of Business Conduct provides clear rules to our company. It shows how to achieve our goals on a daily basis. It applies to all Carrefour employees in Poland and within all Carrefour Group. It is comprehensive enough to ensure guidelines for each, regardless of position, age, seniority or department. You should refer to it whenever you have doubts about how to proceed.

We form a very diverse team and work every day with various business partners. Our challenge is to deal with diverse customers to provide them with quality, choice and the best service. We want to distinguish ourselves by applying the highest ethical standards in relationships within the team, with customers and business partners. Consistency and strict compliance with the rules helps us:

  • make decisions in line with the company's goals and strategy

    make decisions in line with the company's goals and strategy

  • nurture a working atmosphere based on mutual respect

    nurture a working atmosphere based on mutual respect

  • find answers to questions related to setting priorities

    find answers to questions related to setting priorities

  • create a stable work environment based on shared values and transparent rules

    create a stable work environment based on shared values and transparent rules

  • set standards and take care of our corporate image and develop the value of our professions

    set standards and take care of our corporate image and develop the value of our professions


Policy Against Corruption And Influence-Peddling

The purpose of the Policy Against Corruption And Influence-Peddling is to set Carrefour's terms of reference with respect to preventing and fighting corruption through standards of behavior that minimize the risks while serving as a guide as to how to identify and mitigate the risks..

Carrefour refuses any form of corruption, and complies with the applicable anti-corruption laws. Our principles of action and behavior are in line with the Carrefour Group's commitments for the observance and promotion of fundamental principles, including in particular the OECD Guidelines and the ten principles of the UNO's Global Compact.

Gift Policy

It complements the provisions of the Policy Against Corruption And Influence-Peddling.Its goal is to establish uniform rules for Carrefour employees and retail partners with regard to offering and accepting gifts.

Zgodnie z Polityką nie przyjmujemy ani nie oferujemy prezentów. Każdy otrzymany od partnera handlowego podarunek powinien zostać odesłany ofiarodawcy na jego koszt lub przekazany na cele charytatywne.


Carrefour has implemented a whistleblowing system with dedicated communication channels listed below.

The system allows Carrefour employees and its suppliers and service providers to report any irregularities in a way that guarantees confidentiality and anonymity.

You can report an irregularity

for Carrefour collaborators and partners:

  • by informing your superior or his or her N+1
  • by informing the Legal Department or the Compliance Policy and Risk Prevention Department;
  • by informing the Legal Department or members of the Ethics Committee (email address: [email protected])
  • by calling the hotline at: 801 200 000
  • by sending an e-mail at: [email protected]
  • through the website: (it contains a form in Polish)

for external parties (business partners, suppliers, job candidates):

  • by calling the hotline at: 801 200 000
  • by sending an e-mail at: [email protected]
  • through the website: (it contains a form in Polish)